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ShallowDeep > Music > Worship > Song Worship The Word

‘The Word’

The Word that divided the darkness from light,
The Word drew the land from the sea.
The Word that gave life to the grasses and the trees,
May your Word find obedience in me.

The Word that made kings and gave prophets a voice,
The Word made a path through the sea.
The Word spoken soft, after earthquake, wind and fire,
May your Word find obedience in me.

May your Word find a obedience in me.
When the whole of creation can agree
That it cannot resist the Word of God,
May your Word find obedience in me.

The Word becomes flesh, full of grace, full of truth.
The Word makes the blind beggar see.
The Word, when on board, takes the wind out of the storm,
May your Word find obedience in me.

The Word is a sword, parting spirit from soul.
The Word makes us clean, makes us free.
The Word will outlive both the Heavens and the Earth.
May your Word find obedience in me.

Composer: Martin Day
Lyricist: Martin Day

© M Day 23-Feb-1996


‘The Word’ in the bible can mean several things: God’s voice (Genesis 1:1-3 & Genesis 15:1), Jesus (John 1:1-14) and the scriptures (1 Peter 1:24-25) themselves which are all interconnected and are arguably facets of the same. This song celebrates all of them and prays to be in tune with that Word.

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