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Meet Martin

Martin learning firebreathing in his garage in order to be seen from the back at the upcomming Kingston festival, 1992
Martin Day was born in Woking in South-East England in the 1960s. Following education to A-level standard he pursued careers as diverse as virus research, glassblowing, information technology and youth work. He is currently a part-time charity worker, teacher and coach and serving the post-BCC community in the UK. He also runs a sumo wrestling party business as a side-line ( He specialises in producing creative multimedia presentations. During the 80’s and 90’s Martin fronted Christian rock band ‘Salt Solution’ whose recordings continue to be available from
buy from Amazonlisten on Apple Musiclisten on Spotifylisten on Deezerlisten on Youtubelisten on AllMusiclisten on MySpacelisten on KKBox etc. More recently Martin published The Animal Parables, a collection of short stories. Latterly, he has been working at his long-running musical project and releaseing music under  the name of Mervyn Sprocket. Has also developed prototypes of a board game and a card game. Martin still lives in Woking with his wife Jill.

Rob Bathurst, Martin Day and Andy Clark onstage with Salt Solution at the climax of 'The Blood'
