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ShallowDeep > Music > Worship > Song Worship To Raid the Grave

‘To Raid the Grave’

Adam tempted in the garden.
Disobedience at the tree.
Naked, shamed, red-handed, dying.
Banishment was God’s decree.

Jesus came to raid the grave,
Claimed the life that Adam entombed.
Rose and rolled the stone away,
And the long lost treasure exhumed, the long lost treasure exhumed.         x2

Jesus tempted in the garden.
Held obedient to the tree.
Naked, shamed, red-handed, dying.
Took our place to set us free.

Composer: Martin Day
Lyricist: Martin Day
© M Day 23-May-1997


I was pleased with this song. Not least because the verses reflect very concisely (and almost identically) the deeds and consequences of the first and second Adams, each a mirrors to the other.

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Listen to a rough demo of ‘To Raid the Grave’ by Martin Day



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