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‘I Desire a Crown in Glory’

I desire a crown in Glory that might be mine to cast before You.
I desire that my life story be a living tribute too.
I would join the angels singing. I would fall in worship to You.
Let me hear the thunder ringing, see the rainbow’s emerald hue.

My eyes long to see Your throne.
My mind longs the stillness of the glassy sea.
My will bows to You alone.
Make me wholly holy.
My voice and my hands I raise.
My heart longs to leap and race to You, my King.
My ears long to hear the praise, when
All the creatures in creation sing.

Heaven holds no great attraction, save that it’s my Saviour’s home.
All my love is not a fraction of the love that You have shown.
Let the worship of Your throne room find an earthy counterpart.
Let the anthems to the Bridegroom ever echo in my heart.

Composer: Martin Day
Lyricist: Martin Day
© M Day 21-Jan-1995


My first attempt at writing a worship song. It was inspired by the descriptions of heaven in Revelations 4 & 5. That’s a scene I want to see; and be part of with all my senses. And what does it sound like when every creature sings together in worship?! (Revelations 5:13)

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