‘What more reason’
No one would exchange a room
For the slippery stable floor.
With no clean place to bear a child,
Throw down a layer of straw.
The cold of the dark night
Is pressing all around.
The cattle stamp and shuffle
Unsettled by the sound.What more reason for maternal pride.
A mother and a bride.
Her face reflects the baby’s beauty.
In the distance hear the angels sing
Of a new-born King.
The Prince of Peace begins his duties.Far from home and family
The young girl’s time has come.
The pains of childbirth, born of sin,
Bear forth the sinless one.
She sees His Father
Hold Him against the dark sky.
Covered with blood;
Crying out; with a baby’s cry.The Heavenly Father wells with love,
And watches from afar.
To those He promised Abraham
He adds the Morning Star.
In every moment
He’ll be there for His Son.
Every day delight in Him,
Every day but one.What more reason for Paternal pride.
A Father and a guide.
His heart’s behind the baby’s beauty.
Etc…Composer: Martin DayLyricist: Martin Day
© M Day 16-Dec-1995
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