‘The Man of My Dreams’
Amanda: Now my holiday’s underway it’s OK knowing that
Everything is clear, free of fear and I’m sharp to the flat.
Grief is washed away, joy today, and a future that gleams.
I have seen the face of my God and I know he’s the man of my dreams.Now that we’re here cares disappear.
The sun’s breaking through everywhere.
Freedom to be, I am free to be me.
My Captain will pilot me there.Chorus: Captain, fly us under the stars, and high over the seas.
Give us a perspective on life altitude guarantees.
Take us to the heights only eagles and larks are allowed.
Take us to the place where the sun shines above every cloud.Transported high into the sky,
Caught between heaven and earth.
A prayer and a wing, make our rising hearts sing,
Singing for all we are worth.Amanda: Now our holiday’s underway it’s OK, knowing that
Everything is clear, free of fear and I’m sharp to the flat.
Grief is washed away, joy today, and a future that gleams.
Jesus is the face of my God and I know he’s the man of my dreams.Composer: Martin Day/Rich MilnerLyricist: Martin Day
© M Day 05-June-2013 & 14-July-2015
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Go to the Sharp To The Flat site to listen to the finished version of ‘The Man of My Dreams‘ and to find all the latest information about the musical.