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‘It’s a Scandal’

Claire:     I’ve got some news, there’s a vacancy.
Trudy:      I wonder who’ll be leaving school.
Claire:     The post is available immediately.
Amanda: But terms begun for everyone.
Claire:     The head of maths is going hurriedly.
Trudy:      I get sniff of scandal’s whiff.
Claire:      It’s confidential, don’t ask me.
Amanda:  I’ve heard of this and the illicit kiss!

Amanda:  Head’s wife, Maths head, it’s a scandal.
Trudy:      In league, in bed, it’s a scandal.
Both:        You hear about it on the TV, but this is shocking, too close for me.
                 It’s a scandal, a shocking scandal.

Claire:     I’ve heard that rumour, but I disagree.
Trudy:     Can you be sure? Do tell us more.
Claire:     The head’s wife’s a model of fidelity.
Trudy:     So that’s not true. It’s something else. I knew!
Amanda: It must be bad from all this secrecy.
Trudy:      A man has need, and some he feeds.
                If a woman his age is not his tendency
Amanda:  It can only be a pupil pregnancy!

Amanda:  Grown man, young girl, it’s a scandal.
Trudy:      Gut wrench, toes curl, it’s a scandal.
Both:        You read these things in the press, but happening here? Now that’s distress.
                 It’s a scandal, a shocking scandal.

Claire:    You can just discount that theory.
Both:      We must discuss. Go on, tell us.
Claire:    You’re dreadful gossips don’t pressure me.
Trudy:     What could be worse or more perverse?
Claire:     I just saw for Amanda opportunity.
Trudy:      It must be huge from all this subterfuge.
                Maybe addiction to pornography,
Amanda:  Maybe a boy he made his toy?

Amanda:  Grown man, young lad, it’s a scandal.
Trudy:      So wrong, so bad, it’s a scandal.
Both:        You hear these things are going down but chilling when it’s in our town.
                 It’s a scandal, a shocking scandal.

Composer: Martin Day/Rich Milner
Lyricist: Martin Day
© M Day 30-Jan-2013


Written as part of the Sharp To The Flat‘ musical (work in progress) Claire has some news that a teacher has left her school suddenly. Trudy thinks she smells a scandal and along with Amanda she needles Claire for the full story, speculating all the while.


Lyric: Compete
Music: Awaiting final mix

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Go to the Sharp To The Flat site to listen to the finished version of ‘It’s a Scandal‘ and to find all the latest information about the musical.

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