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ShallowDeep > Music > Mervyn Sprocket > Song Escapology


When days are drawing dark, emotion hammered to the temporal.
Gather yourself, embark, and escape into the eternal.

You can’t pin me down. Can’t find me.
Fear that I could drown. But I sank long ago.
Breathing like a fish. I swim free.
Blow and make a wish. I slip into the flow.

Escapol-apology. Escapol-apology. Escapol-apology. Escapol-apology.
I‘m so sorry I can’t be bound to your reality.
There’s a realm where I am free, resting in eternity

You can’t pin me down. Can’t find me
Fear that I could drown. But I sank long ago.
Breathing like a fish. I swim free.
Blow and make a wish. I slip into the flow.
Two places at one time. I could be
Second’ry and prime. Just how would you know?
Loosened and unbound, Escapee.
Where can I be found? The place for me to grow.

Gravity pulls. Escape. Pursuit of happiness is futile.
Joy is another shape when you’re living in the meanwhile.

Two places at one time. I could be
Second’ry and prime. Just how would you know?
Loosened and unbound, Escapee.
Where can I be found? The place for me to grow.

Escapol-apology. Escapol-apology. Escapol-apology. Escapol-apology.
This is my apology. Mark me as an absentee.
There’s a realm where I am free, resting in eternity

You can’t pin me down. Can’t find me
Fear that I could drown. But I sank long ago.
Breathing like a fish. I swim free.
Blow and make a wish. I slip into the flow.
Two places at one time. I could be
Second’ry and prime. Just how would you know?
Loosened and unbound, Escapee.
Where can I be found? The place for me to grow

Composer: Rich Milner
Lyricist: Martin Day
© M Day 12 Nov 2020


My writing partner, Rich Milner gave me a track he had been working on, electronic and jazzy-funky. I had not written lyrics for anything like it before. The result was an uncharacteristicly lose lyric for me, but about the mystery of living in the physical world when the unseen spiritual world is more real than many realise. Alice Hoyle sang the vocal of the resulting recording which Rich manipulated just has he would any other instrument.


Watch the 'Escapology' video
Watch ‘Escapology‘ with visuals taken from the films of the great Buster Keaton.

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