‘Floating on the peddello of life’
The sun glints on the water, the birds are in the air,
Your nose supports the Foster-Grants that filter out the glare.
Your steering’s ineffective, but you don’t really care.
Although you know not what’s ahead, the current takes you there…
… Floating on the peddello of life.The peddello is drifting towards the waterfall.
The peddling makes no difference, there’s no headway at all.
To swim away’s the answer; the answer’s not recalled.
Your grip upon your destiny appears a little small…
… Floating on the peddello of life.There’s more to Christianity than filling up a pew.
Jesus has got a store of works, of good for you to do.
You have the choice to change your course by starting off anew,
Or stay aboard your peddello and contemplate the view…
… Floating on the peddello of life.Composer: Martin DayLyricist: Martin Day
© M Day 23-Mar-1987
It’s a warning against giving up control to the general flow of life.