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Pod’s movie clips

Watch Pod caught live on movieChristmas 2008 marked the last Sunday service for Brookwood Community Church. Pod learned why and also discovers that many in the bible had to go through waiting times. Even the Christmas story has periods of waiting. This is one and only time that a Pod visitation has been caught on film in it’s entirety. Watch it and understand what the Pod character is all about.


As part of his visit at Christmas 2005 Pod decided to field the views of a few people that were prominent at the time. Here is the documentary that he made and stared in. Amongst those he interviewed were Anne Widdecombe, Tony Blair, John Sergeant and Little Britain’s Lou and Andy. You can view the movie here. © Martin Day 2005 (Pod script and imagery only)

Pod in orbit


Easter Pod has technical problems and doesn’t make his landing.


Pod in his capsule


Stranded orbiting the earth Pod is still able to participate via a satellite link and here is what the waiting audience saw and heard of him.


Pod's advert ideas


Another Christmas. This time it’s 2007 and Pod has a combined has some bad-taste ideas for christmas adverting.



All these clips featuring Pod need to be put in the context with their original scripts to be understood

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Download PowerPoint of Pod's Summer landing sequence (with intro) – Power point of Pod’s summer Landing sequence with intro.

Download powerpoint of Pod's Summer landing sequence (without intro) – Power point of Pod’s summer Landing sequence without intro.

Download powerpoint of Pod's Summer takeoff sequence – Power point of Pod’s summer Takeoff sequence.

NB power points with intros feature a old fashioned movie-style leader countdown with ‘pearl & dead’ sound track. This is simply an attention grabber for when the Pod sketch has been an unannounced opener for a service. Only summer versions are available here (there are also winter versions to match the conditions outside the venue).

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